Saturday, February 25, 2012

Cast and Crew (introductions)

I'm Krissy. I'm married to the Daddy. We have the Evil Overlord in Training.

I work, outside of the home, so we have a babysitter. She's my brother-in-law's ex wife. She'll be AB. (Aunt Babysitter)

The blog is about our fun arts and crafts type projects.

I have a degree in theatre, I love doing the arts and crafts stuff. But now that the EOiT has gotten to the age where we really can do this stuff together, I've had to start working. So I don't have the time to do the things I want to do. AB has started doing some of the stuff that we want to do.

I adore coming  home to see what he has done.

These are our adventures. There will be pictures, there will be stories. Maybe people will even learn something.

There will absolutely be fun. And glitter. ;)